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One-Minute Teaching Tools

One-Minute Teaching Tools is a Socratic patient education program for teaching 52 critical concepts in the very busy Chiropractic practice. One-Minute Teaching Tools was born out of necessity. As our early clients began to implement the Chiropractic Teaching Tools program many of their practices began to grow exponentially. We began to get calls and emails asking us how we could teach the 14 basic concepts in a very brief patient encounter. Practices grew so rapidly that the doctor and staff no longer had 4-5 minutes with each patient. Clients and practice consultants began to ask us how we managed to cover the 14 concepts in so little time. The secret was that we had divided the 14 concepts up into mini-concepts and were teaching these concepts in small bites already. There were two advantages to the One Minute   Teaching Tools, first the doctor or patient educator could teach in 1/4 of the time it took previously with each patient, and secondly, the patient could learn and retain small chunks of information much longer.  We felt it was time to streamline the education process for our clients. We looked at the 14 basic concepts and from them developed a list of 52 mini-concepts that we wanted each of our patients to understand. A Socratic teaching template was designed to rapidly engage the patient in the thought process of the day. From the template a new implementation guide for teaching each of the 52 mini-concepts was created. One practice consultant who reviewed our OMTT Implementation Guide said that he had just one word for it… BRILLIANT! You will learn how to take your patients through a rapid discovery question, quickly probe for their understanding, create a gap in their understanding, how to fill that gap, motivate them to study the simple handout and then swiftly reassess their learning on their next visit. This is a simple process that takes less than 2 minutes per visit. The program also includes 52 simple, full color, illustrated handouts that reinforces each mini-concept. Each handout is like a standalone mini-poster. One-Minute Teaching tools come personalized for your office in Adobe PDF format and includes a 60-page OMTT Implementation Guide.

“In the first 2 weeks of January, I have already had 3 new patients that are children as a direct response to “Have you heard that health problems run in families?”  The material makes so much sense.  JUST DO IT!           -Wayne Greathouse, DC, California

“Thank you so much for the awesome Chiropractic Teaching Tools program!  It is exactly what I’ve been wanting to do myself for years…  but hadn’t.”     -Brycen Huddock, DC, Virginia

This product is personalized and then delivered as a digital download with the one-minute teaching tools and the manual. The one-minute teaching tools are in Adobe PDF format and ready to print.