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The Integrator
By clicking to purchase I certify that I have taken the MC2 Technic Seminar training or have purchased the MC2 Seminar video and have viewed, studied and understand the training.

$765.00 + 10.95 S&H

OR Buy the Integrator and the MC2 Technic Video as a package and
Save $50.00 when ordering The Integrator and the MC2 Technical Mastery Seminar Video together.

    The Integrator + MC2 Technic Mastery Seminar Video package
Save $50.00

+ $ 10.95 S&H

The Integratorâ„¢ is the only chiropractic adjusting instrument that was developed out of randomized clinical trial, blinded and with placebo control. The study was designed by Robert Duncan, Ph. D., biostatistician, at the University of Miami School of Medicine, together with the Holder Research Institute and founded in part by a grant from the Florida Chiropractic Society. Years of development, testing and design went into creating an instrument that would deliver that 3rd dimensional dynamic that adjusting by hand embraced but that no other instrument in chiropractic delivered; "TORQUE" and "RECOIL". THE INTEGRATOR reproduces the entire thrust and movement components of TOGGLE RECOIL, the classic Chiropractic Method of adjusting by hand at a speed of 1/10,000th of a second. No instrument in chiropractic history has been able to reproduce what the hands were intended to do!

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Best Value    
      Buy the MC2 Technic DVD as part of two of the Success Kits and get from 6-7 additional success products while saving from $660-733.

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